Have faced Missed Check-IN just because of absence in the assigned Networked Area? Ever worked full day and not able to mark your attendance due to loss of GPS or internet?
A very common day problem of losing Geo-fenced Attendance due to lost networks or not having Data. Reason could be your weak networked area or lost GPS. Location based Attendance will always get affected due to this problem.
No need to worry! Palgeo, the most flexible location based best in technologies Attendance Management system provides a smarter way to mark presence at any time.
Introducing SECURED WI-FI Check-IN that helps to mark Attendance, with just a requirement of assigned Wi-Fi connection. No matter location or GPS is working or not, once connected with assigned Wi-Fi and marked your attendance, location-based Attendance will automatically get updated on the portal.
Once networked with assigned Wi-Fi location will be automatically get confirmed and updated.
- Updation of Location-based Attendance.
- Provide connectivity during poor GPS or networks.
- Secured Check-IN.
- Access through Web link. Attendance updation possible through Web Check-IN.
Better experience for Employees who work from home. On official visits in poor networks Attendance updation becomes efficient and secured.
Haven’t experienced this kind of feature? So, What are you waiting for?
Take a drive through by taking advantage of Geo-fenced secured Wi-Fi Attendance Management system for more reliable and Real time Attendance Updation.
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