Clocktos – Inspro Plus ERP Software is the principle ERP Providers for Exclusively Educational Institutes Like Schools, Colleges and Universities. Clocktos do keep on examining in Educational Sector and continually meet the customer need with front line developments and segments. Since 1997, Clocktos has made strong customer Relationship with more than 450 Educational Institutes in Tamil Nadu.
Understudy Attendance Management is an imperative module of grounds Clocktos ERP programming. This module covers the administration of Student Attendance for Theory, Practical classes. The understudy participation report is the most vital part in the Student Attendance Management Clocktos ERP programming. The participation is taken, utilizing a system based biometric/RFID interface, in this Clocktos ERP framework. Manual participation info should likewise be possible, on solicitation. Participation reports, in this understudy participation administration arrangement, are ordered into these areas: Real time class to class/ every day/ week after week/ month to month/ semester/ yearly reports. All the partners can get to this understudy participation administration ERP and get the sort of reports they need.
Folks can unmistakably know whether a their child/girl goes to a subject class or not and it makes the training process so straightforward to folks as well. Indeed, even Daily SMS and E-Mail Alerts on participation deficits are accessible in this understudy participation administration framework and it can be accessible in diverse structures Attendance specifically subject classes or the normal participation for an entire day or month. Distinctive partners can get to this data. This will help to enhance the nature of our instructive framework. Clocktos ERP Student Attendance Management Real time reports are accessible on understudy/ guardian/ workforce/ administration dashboards. Altered reports can be created for workforce/ administration/ college prerequisites, upon solicitation. This Clocktos ERP module can likewise be coordinated with expenses administration or exam administration modules for the intrigued customers. Delicate and printed versions of the participation reports can be produced in various diverse arrangements (.doc, .xml, .csv, .def, .pdf, .xls, web document). The Clocktos ERP objective is Attendance Automation System is that to make the expert instruction segment more trained. Information can be dug on diverse parameters for individual/ class/ year/ school utilizing Clocktos ERP.
Clocktos ERP is the best solution for the centralized management of academic data and this application platform provides a right communication link between faculty, parents and students so that a good feedback system and a knowledge rich environment can be created to improve the education system. It also contains an exam management system that provides accessibility of result, statistics and customized report generation.
Clocktos ERP is a product, developed institutions to manage its working in a distributed environment with role based access control. This system works across the Internet as well as the organizations intranet and extra net.